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What to wear to a Marathon When it’s 100 Degrees Fahrenheit Outside?

03 May 2018     posted by marathon_clothes

Without withstanding the discussion, let us jump straight into the topic. Running a marathon on a hot summer day is not easy. The chances of falling sick are high. You know that your clothes are your savior (and the bottle of water). So, what do you wear to keep yourself comfortable? Here is a list to refer to. Just to be clear, the situation is, 100 degrees Fahrenheit, clear sky, light wind and humid.

Sports bra

The must-have piece for a marathon runner, sports bras keep the assets happy and protected. It reduces extensive movement of the assets, keeping them close to the body. A piece that wicks moisture and heightens breathability is ideal for an extremely hot summer day. Cut out details and mesh panels can increase the comfort factors. Marathon clothing manufacturers have the finest sports bras displayed in the inventory.

Running shorts

A pair of running shorts is the staple of all marathon runners. And when it is scorching hot outside, a short short will keep you happy. Opt for technical fabrics like nylon, rayon or linen. These not only absorb sweat but have immense stretchable abilities, which ensure easy and unrestricted movement of the legs. Under all circumstances, avoid wearing shorts that are made of cotton.

Running shoes and socks

the pair of running shoes should provide ample of cushioning to the feet. The pair should keep your feet stable by reducing the blows to it. A pair of socks made of moisture-wicking materials can help prevent blisters (or stinky feet). Also, look for versions that offer maximum breathability. If possible and if the marathon rules permit, go barefoot.


Squinting your eyes is more annoying than sweating uncontrollably! Ask any marathon runner and you will get a long complain list stating this fact. In fact, if studies are to be believed, squinting your eyes for too long can not only affect your vision but can also drain your energy. Looking straight ahead of you during a marathon is helpful and useful (duh!). So, wear a pair of sunglasses and keep your eyes protected from the rays.


Okay, this doesn’t need explanation. You won’t be running a marathon in a covered area! So, protection is necessary. A sunscreen will help reflect the rays, reducing the intensity of tan you get. (unless you want to get tanned) A sunscreen is also effective in protecting you from harmful skin diseases. Don’t forget that!

Thus, make sure that you pick the right apparels to not only complete the marathon but to avoid falling sick later. Athletic apparel manufacturers have similar pieces added to their massive inventory. Retailers interested to make a bulk purchase can register today. Massive discounts can be availed by bulk buyers.